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四维彩超 Why Need to Have 4D Ultrasound Screening During Pregnancy

2021.03.18 5136人阅读 来源:爱博恩妇产医院



Some pregnant women believe that it is unnecessary to have ultrasound screening if they follow routine prenatal checkups. However, ultrasound screening plays an irreplaceable and significant role in pregnancy, which should be valued by parents.

So, what’s 4D Ultrasound? What’s the function and what to be noticed? We will bring you details as follow. 


What’s  4D Color Dopplor Ultrasound?


4D ultrasound also called four-dimensional color Dopplor ultrasound diagnostic apparatus, which is the world's top color ultrasound equipment. It possesses surface image to high solution screening of deformity of fetal limbs, meningeal bulging, cleft lip and palate, spina bifida and other congenital malformations, which help to detect and take solutions earlier.

What’s that for ?

  • 确定预产期

  • Confirm the Expected Date of Delivery


Generally, the expected date of delivery can be estimated accurately by 20 weeks’ scan.

  • 查看胎儿的活动

  • Observe Fetal Movement


It can clearly view the fetal movement inside your womb, such as fetal distress, swallowing, etc.

  • 监测胎儿生长发育

  • Monitor Fetal Growth and Development


According to doctor, the detection of fetal development is based on  fetal values. Lower than the 10th percentile or higher than the 90th percentile is deemed to be abnormal.

  • 胎儿是否畸形

  • Deformity or Not


Ultrasound scan is an important mean of detecting fetal malformations. If any malformation is detected, the gestation can be terminated in time. Usually 4D anomaly scan is arranged during 22-26 weeks, by then organs are developed and formed.

  • 测量羊水量

  • Measure Amniotic Fluid Volume


Color ultrasound can measure amniotic fluid volume accurately. It is critical to the fetal development as for too much or too little water would cause fetal malformation. However, ultrasound can show clearly the position of placenta, placenta hemangiomas, and its maturity etc., meanwhile, it can also diagnose of placenta previa and placental abruption as well.

What to be noticed?


1, Generally speaking, there should be three timings for ultrasound scan, and it’s better to be have anomaly scan during 22-28 weeks. But, it varies from person to person.


2, For 4D anomaly scan in 22-26 weeks, you don’t have to hold your urine or fasting, just make it according to your schedule.


3, Before the scan, you should better separate your outfit by tops and pants. During the scan, the doctor mainly checks fetal’s current facial development, as well as the present development of heart, brain, and spine.


4, We encourage our mothers to stay in a fine mindset, as the whole process will last about 20 minutes.


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